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Team Woot Gutes! is raising money for Inspire Week of Giving

Fundraising Amount=$920.00 ; Goal=$500.00
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Twenty-one years ago, when I signed Josh up for Toddler Classes, I could not have imagined the amazing journey our family was about to take with Encompass. Through preschool and toddler classes, parenting classes, and family activities, we became connected to our community. Most of you know that I have worked for Encompass for the last 13 years but I am also a supporter because I strongly believe that the programs and services we provide are critical for children and families. 

Save the date and join us for the Inspire Week of Giving--Monday, April 26 - Friday, April 30, 2021. 

Celebrate the spirit of giving with a week dedicated to supporting families and strengthening community. Please join us on our social media channels throughout the week to see inspiring stories from Encompass staff, children, and volunteers, participate in contests, and more! Our virtual finale event will be hosted by Chris Cashman on Friday, April 30th from 9-9:30 am and features a family speaker story with beloved supporters Becky and Jessica Kitz.


At Encompass, we passionately believe that every family deserves a place to turn when they need help. Through Early Learning, Pediatric Therapy, and Family Enrichment programs for children ages 0-8 and their families, Encompass gives children the foundation they need to get the right start—and thrive for a lifetime.

With locations in North Bend and Carnation, as well as a host of programs offered in the home and through our mobile therapy unit, Encompass supports nearly 1,400 children and families each year across the Snoqualmie, Riverview, Issaquah and Skykomish School Districts.


Thank you for your support in creating a community where ALL children thrive!


Please consider a tax deductible donation at one of our giving levels:

$100 - Funds one hour of occupational therapy for a child struggling with fine motor skills, like handwriting.

$250 – Provides one Trauma-Informed Care training designed to help teachers support their most challenged students, creating a healthy, supportive environment for all students in the classroom.

$365 Inspire 365 - $1 per day pays for a warm healthy meal and snacks for a child participating in preschool programs at Encompass which includes free preschool through ECEAP for low-income families. All donations made at this level are matched by a generous donor.

$500 - Brings our Mobile Therapy Unit to a family living in a rural area for four sessions of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.

$1,000SuppliesVisual Interactive Stimulus Materials for one month of our ParentChild+ early literacy program for 40 low income families committed to giving their child their best start in life.

$2,500 - Helps a foster child overcome the effects of abuse and trauma by providing nine months of therapy.

$5,000 - Funds a full year of life-changing early intervention therapy to a newborn struggling with developmental delays, allowing him the chance to catch up to her typically-developing peers.

Thank you for your generous support!

Donors and Comments

Anonymous  gave $250.00 4/29/2021
Anonymous  gave $250.00 4/27/2021
Laurie Gutenberg  gave  4/20/2021